Grey Street Dental Surgery
188 Grey Street (2km Drive - 4 minutes)
Phone: (06) 357 1285
For all dental emergencies weekdays between the hours of 8:30am and 5:00pm Outside these hours contact an emergency medical centre, or in extreme cases A&E department at Palmerston North hospital.
For dental pain relief use paracetamol based products and/or anti-inflammatories, but make sure you follow directions on the packet. If you have an accident and your tooth or teeth have been broken or displaced or you have cuts or lacerations, contact someone immediately.
If you have lost a whole or part of a tooth try to handle it as little as possible, place it in a glass of milk or water, and take it with you.
There is a dining guide compendium in your room to cater for all types of food and budget. Call reception if you would like to get our personal preferences to the amazing dining out options here in Palmerston North. Happy dining.
City Doctors (2km Drive 4 minutes)
22 Victoria Avenue
Phone (06) 355 3300
Open: 8:00am - 10:00pm 7 days
The power in New Zealand is 240 volts AC50 cycles. Should you require an adaptor, please ask at reception.
Please take time to make yourself familiar with the evacuation procedures in case of a fire. This is situated near the main entrance door to your room.
A first aid kit is available at reception.